Monday, March 25, 2013

Nice to meet ya.

Every relationship begins with an introduction, whether it be proper or not. Well, my Ma raised me right, so, let me properly introduce myself. My christian name is Anne. I'm one half of Two Old Houses, and 1/8th of a rowdy bunch, called "The Madison's". I'm pleased to meet you. At this point I must sound like a cow milkin', hay bailin', coop cleanin' hillbilly. Maybe, I've misrepresented myself. I bleed 612 (Minneapolis area code).  Yep, thats me, the girl down there in the picture. 

I'm the 3rd born out of Six kids. That's all of us down there. No, we aren't catholic, or mormon, or adopted. I guess our existence can only be explained by the birds and the bees. I grew up riding bikes, climbing trees, and bickering and laughing with my siblings. My parents didn't allow television in our house, so creativity was a must. Big pine trees were 80 story skyscrapers, and pretzel sticks were cigarettes. This shaped us. Although, life has led us all down different paths in our adult lives, we have unexpectedly ended up in closer proximity to each other than any of us ever expected.

 I live in an old house in the sometimes misunderstood neighborhood of North Minneapolis with my baby brother Johnny and that cute dog pictured down there ( Petunia). Two blocks away in another old house lives my oldest sister Lisa, our other brother David, and 3 very naughty little dachshunds. I bartend to pay the bills and dream and create in my off time. Although, I would consider dreaming a full time job, and am shocked that someone isn't paying me to do it.
There is something to be said about how we treat the space we inhabit. Love it and it will love you back. Create an inspiring space and be inspired. I intend to use this little chunk of the blogosphere to share with you the place I love getting up every morning and drinking coffee in, and closing every evening drinking vodka in. Come along as I share my home improvement woes and victory's, my DIY fails and accomplishments, and other unrelated tid bits. I hope you will be inspired or at least entertained.

                                                                   Now, meet Lisa.

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